Mrs. Alice Weeks was the mother of Kenneth Weeks, an American who joined the Foreign Legion in the opening weeks of the war. Mrs. Weeks got an apartment in Paris so she could visit her son when he was on leave, and she soon began mailing packages to other soldiers in the Legion. Her apartment became a place these soldiers, fighting a war far from their home countries, could visit and enjoy a home cooked meal during their infrequent leaves. Even after her son was killed in battle, she stayed in Paris and organized relief programs for her “boys” in the trenches. It would be hard to overestimate the impact she had on the morale of these soldiers. After the war a grateful French nation made her a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur [Knight of the Legion of Honor.] She truly was a mother to the Legion, a Maman Légionnaire. (Photo courtesy of the State Archives of North Carolina)