On September 9th 1916 Kiffin scored his second official victory when he shot down an enemy two-seater. He had to pull out of the fight when two other German planes dived to the rescue, but ground observers confirmed that the plane crashed just behind the German lines. Recent study of German photographs indicates Kiffin’s victim was probably an LFG Roland C.II “Waflisch” (Whale), a plane that British ace Albert Ball once described as the best plane Germany had. The gunner was badly wounded by Kiffin’s bullets, but the crew survived. Kiffin’s squadron mates were convinced he had shot down several other planes, but these victories occurred so far behind the German lines that French ground observers couldn’t see them. In general, if a victory wasn’t witnessed by a ground observer it didn’t count as an official victory. (Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LFG_Roland_C.II_LRQ.jpg)