While doing the research for First to Fight, I collected hundreds of photographs of Kiffin Rockwell, the Lafayette Escadrille, and other subjets that illustrated Kiffin’s life. It was impossible to fit all of these photos into the book. The links below go to a selection of these photos. They are arranged in rough chronological order, grouped by the chapter of First to Fight which they best illustrate. Some of the photos do appear in the book, but most do not. This photo history serves as a supplement to the book, providing additional insight into Kiffin’s incredible story.
Chapter 1: The Making of an Idealist
Loula Rockwell
Kiffin Rockwell as a baby
Kiffin, Agnes, and Paul
Senator Smart
Kiffin and Paul
Kiffin at Washington & Lee
Applied Economics
Kiffin’s Fraternity Picture
Kiffin Out West
Chapter 2: War!
War Breaks Out
War Plans
The Western Front
Chapter 3: Life in the Foreign Legion
In the Legion
Kiffin as a Legionnaire
Laundry Day
Forty and Eight
On the March
A Ruined Village
Kiffin in a Trench
Barbed Wire
Paul Recuperating
Paul and Jim McConnell
Chapter 4: The Fortunes of War
Captive Balloon
Cemetery at La Targette
Chapter 5: Recovery
Kiffin Recuperating
Chapter 6: Maman Legionnaire
Mrs. Weeks
Early Gas Mask
Chapter 7: Back to the Legion
Leave in Paris
Kiffin and Paul
Chapter 8: From Flying Birdcages to War Machines
Maurice Farman Longhorn
Junkers D1
Rumpler Taube
Inline Engine
Rotary Engine
Deflector Plates
Morane-Saulnier Type L Monoplane
The Fokker Solution
Fokker Eindekker
Eindekker in Flight
Pusher Aircraft
Top Wing Machine Gun
Chapter 9: Learning to Fly – The Penguins
Bleriot Penguin
Maurice Farman Shorthorn
Kiffin with his New Wings
Training Nieuport
Kiffin in his Fur Coat
Chapter 10: An American Escadrille
Caudron G4 Bomber
Voison III
Thaw in Pittsburgh
Fort Douamont, Verdun
Fort Douamont, After Bombardment
Fort Douamont, Ground View
Nieuport 11
Chapter 11: Luxeuil Luxury
Vila du Chatigny
Playing Pool
Tragic Photograph
The Planes Arrive
Kiffin and his Nieuport
Note from Kiffin’s Mother
Removing Kiffin’s Plane from Hangar
Squadron Briefing
Mac’s Plane
The Squadron
Victory Telegram
Chapter 12: Into the Furnace
A Difficult Conversation
Squadron Planes
Kiffin Climbing into Bert Hall’s Plane
Playing Cards
Victor Chapman
Chapter 13: July Frenzy
Kiffin on the Airfield
Kiffin and Bert
Describing a Dogfight
Bregeut Bombers
Damaged Bregeut
Kiffin Explaining the Accident
Charles Nungesser
Prince with Rockets
Kiffin in his Flight Suit
Raoul Lufbery
Kiffin Adjusting his Machine Gun
Chapter 14: Summer Heat
Kiffin in August
Paul Pavelka
Norman Prince
Second Victory
Chapter 15: Déjà-vu
Whiskey and Bill Thaw
Kiffin and Whiskey
The Effects of Combat Stress
Back to Luxeuil
Crash Site
Albatros CV
Kiffin’s Cross

Copyright Notice: All of the photos except those attributed to a specific individual are believed to be in the public domain or are licensed for unlimited distribution via a Wikimedia Commons license. I list the source of each photo as a way of thanking the person or organization that provided the photo. This does not mean that the person or organization certified that the photo was in the public domain. Please contact me at Steve@random-writings.com if you have reason to believe a photo is copyrighted. In many cases I obtained copies of the same photo from multiple sources. In those cases I picked the best copy, and I acknowledged the source of that copy.